Friday, June 10, 2011

Things Are Tough All Over

Apparently the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) is feeling the pinch.  This is from Ecumenical News International.

Member contributions an issue of concern at Lutheran World Federation meeting
Geneva (ENInews)--Members of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) today expressed concern about budget problems at the LWF Council meeting in Geneva. Factors such as the global financial crisis, the weakness of the euro and the dollar against the Swiss franc, and a decline in membership fees have combined to create concern about the organization's financial situation. The reduction in contributions from members in the southern hemisphere was another topic of discussion. Some southern churches are not paying their dues, creating tension with members in the north. Member contributions have decreased about nine percent over the past two years, to three million dollars, though this is partly due to the weakness of some currencies. The fees are based on a formula indicating the relative wealth of a given church compared with those in other countries. [348 words, ENI-11-0301]