Thursday, January 22, 2015

Dedication of the Wayne and Barbara Kroemer Library at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne

Dedication of the Wayne and Barbara Kroemer Library at CTS–FW   
For Immediate Release
January 22, 2015

FORT WAYNE, Ind.—Students, faculty and guests from all over the world filled the chapel and the library for the dedication of the Wayne and Barbara Kroemer Library on the campus of Concordia Theological Seminary (CTS–FW), Fort Wayne, Indiana, on January 22, 2015. The day began with prayer in Kramer Chapel and moved to the library where CTS–FW President Lawrence R. Rast Jr. opened the doors and led the crowd into the completed expansion. The expanded library complex allows for all volumes owned by the Seminary to be housed in one place and opens up additional areas for group and individual study. Click here to view a video of the dedication.

The guests of honor were Wayne and Barbara Kroemer of Zionsville, Indiana, who are longtime friends of the Seminary and very instrumental in the completion of the expansion. “We saw that this would be an opportunity for us to give back for the spiritual growth we feel we experience at the Seminary and to God for His many blessings. We are so pleased that many other donors felt as we do and that this beautiful and amazing library has been completed,” said the Kroemers. “There are no greater places in the Lutheran Church to support than it’s seminaries as this is where the future lies. This new, first-class building is a shining star for the Fort Wayne Seminary and will be an asset that keeps giving to the students and professors here in the years ahead.”

“Building a structure of this magnitude certainly requires the generous gifts of our donors and we are most thankful for their selfless giving. Just as important, it shows their deep commitment to supporting the continued formation of servants of Christ on the CTS–FW campus,” commented Rast. “The resources now available in the Wayne and Barbara Kroemer Library will serve to enhance the formation of future church workers as they prepare to teach the faithful, reach the lost and care for all.”

The building, its books, meeting spaces and electronic resources are available for use by alumni, theologians and laypeople. “Professional church workers of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod in need of a resource not locally available may find our extension service of benefit. Through this service, we extend our circulation and reference services to those who serve our congregations and schools,” explained the Rev. Prof. Robert V. Roethemeyer, CTS–FW director of Library and Information Services. “The library can also be a destination for church groups looking for a reflective place for a retreat. Reserve one of the large group rooms in the library and punctuate your retreat with worship time in Kramer Chapel.”

To learn more about the Wayne and Barbara Kroemer Library and the resources it offers, go to  or phone 260-452-2149.