Wednesday, February 27, 2013

A Prayer of Justus Falckner

Students in my Church History IV course at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, all learn the hymn "Rise, Ye Children of Salvation" (TLH 472).  They hymn's author, Rev. Justus Falckner, was the first Lutheran to be regularly ordained in North America (November 24, 1703).  In preparing for an upcoming section of Church History IV, I came across this little prayer of Falckner's, cited by Henry E. Jacobs in "Justus Falckner," Lutheran Church Review 23 (January 1904): 171.

"O God, who has thrust me into this harvest, be Thou with me, Thy lowly and very feeble laborer, with Thy special grace, without which I must perish under the burden of trials that often overwhelm me.  In Thee, O Lord, have I trusted; let me not be confounded.  Fit me for my calling.  I did not run, but Thou didst sendThou didst force me into this office.  Do Thou forgive whatever wrong a corrupt nature hath unconsciously wrought within me; pardon me, humbly praying through our Lordyea through my Jesus Christ. Amen."

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